I am a Licensed Midwife in the state of California and also have my Certified Professional Midwifery certification.
I completed my midwifery education through The National College of Midwifery a MEAC accredited school.
I have birth work experience with: Unmedicated and Medicated births, Water births, Mothers who are Induced, Mothers on bed rest, High risk mothers and babies, Miscarriages, Mothers who are doing VABC (Vagina Births after C-Section), Breast feeding concerns, Plus Size Mothers, Cleft Palate babies, Mothers with family and no family support, Planned and Unplanned C-Sections, Teen Mother's, Cloth Diapering, Natural Family Planning, Tricare Insurance Questions, Essential Oil, Homeopathy and Herb Resources.

I have personal experience with: Induction Labor, Back Labor, Unmedicated Birth, Hospital, Birth Center and Home Births, Water Birth, Nursing, and am a proud military spouse who understands the craziness of the military lifestyle.
In California I have worked out with client out of hospital birthing families all over San Diego, Riverside and Orange County. I also have experience as a Primary Midwife and Birth assistant at Best Start Birth Center and as a birth assistant at Babies in Bloom Birth Center before it closed.
In Okinawa, Japan I worked at the Naval Hospital Okinawa on Camp Foster and The Yui Birth Center.
I had base approval to do SOFA contract work.
In North Carolina I have experience at: Camp Lejeune Naval Hospital, Carolina East Health Services in New Bern, NC and New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, NC. I also provided placenta encapsulation services for clients all over Northeastern North Carolina.
While living in Virginia I was able to assist moms at: Stafford Hospital, Mary Washington Hospital, UVA in Chartottesville, Martha Jefferson Hospital in Chartottesville, Dewitt Army Hospital at Fort Belvoir, Prince William Hospital in Manassas and Potomac Hospital.
During our short stay in Rhode Island have assisted laboring families at Newport Hospital and also provided placenta encapsulation services for clients all over Rhode Island and Southern Massachusetts.
I worked as a Midwifery Student at The Birthing Her Way Birth center in Utah. Shiphrah Birth Home in Taytay, Philippines, The Yui Center in Okinawa, Japan and Birth Matters, Inc in Oceanside, CA. I gained valuable skills on prenatal, postpartum, newborn and well woman care during my time at each of these amazing practices.
As a doula I have assisted a large number of mothers with Home Births and assisted with births at Birth Centers including Special Beginnings Birth Center in Arnold, MD, Yui Birth Center in Japan, Best Start Birth Center in San Diego.
I am so thankful that when living in Virginia that in Fredericksburg, VA the community has Mary's Shelter available as a crisis pregnancy shelter. I began volunteering with Mary's Shelter the Fall of 2010. I coordinated the prenatal education program and doula services program. Our goal was to have doula services available to any interested resident. Since beginning the doula program, the c-section rate at the shelter dropped significantly.
I assisted with RACSB Teen Lamaze Class at Mary Washington Hospital and assisted several students' births.